Old turntables

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Pioneer pl 560

The Pioneer PL-560 is a direct drive turntable
powered by a quartz PLL Hall motor .
The PL-560 features 33 1/3 and 45 rpm speeds.
A  light up VU meter monitoring the increace
or decreace in pitch control.
A warren motor also included in this model to
perform all the automatic functions.
All  perfect expect chassis! So I decided to made
a massive wooden plinth.
I think now is excellent.
Made by Vintagetable.

1 comment:

  1. Hi There,
    How you doing? I am from Ottawa... I am wondering if i could ask you for a favorite? I also have a PL-560 and i have been trying to rebuild the plinth and i found your link here.. I like very much the way you built the plinth...
    I have removed all the screws on the top and at the bottoms including the screw holding the tonearm plate... I am having a hard time remove the origin plinth ! i have no idea how to do it..it is so tight fix ... I have just signed up with audiokarma.net to get some help there too... I did exactly what one of the members from audiokarma told me to do...but right now i am still having a hard time to take the origin plinth off...and i think when i tried to push it out..i think i messed up something inside..
    Anyhow.. if you would be so kind to help me on this ...would greatly appreciated...
    Thank you so much
