Old turntables

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Rek-o-kut Rondine L34 Jr.

Born in 1952 this REK O KUT L34 Jr is a very early model.
Idler drive and heavy platter.
After full restoration the motor runs smooth and quiet.
The second stage was to find a good tonearm. My choice
was the Decca London international. It was the  first time
using a unipivot tonearm.
The third stage was to make wooden plinth. I cut finland
Birch plywood and made a very massive plinth
Final stage was adjusting tonearm, cartridge and speed.
This is my Rek o kut restoration project. 
Designed and made by Vintagetable.

Thorens td 111

In 1962 Thorens built a single speed high quality turntable.
TD 111 was the little brother of TD124 but more beautiful, and more simple.
Now it is hard to find a TD 111 for sale.
Picture above showing  my THORENS TD 111 pair with a
SME 3009 and an Audio -technica AT 440 MLA cartridge.
Made by Vintagetable.

Pioneer pl 560

The Pioneer PL-560 is a direct drive turntable
powered by a quartz PLL Hall motor .
The PL-560 features 33 1/3 and 45 rpm speeds.
A  light up VU meter monitoring the increace
or decreace in pitch control.
A warren motor also included in this model to
perform all the automatic functions.
All  perfect expect chassis! So I decided to made
a massive wooden plinth.
I think now is excellent.
Made by Vintagetable.

Lenco L78

Lenco L78 1978 model 
First attempt to make my own project.
A custom plinth for a Lenco.I think it was
a good construction. A heavy and massive
plinth from australian plywood.
The turntable was in a very nice condition
so i did not change anything .
The only one was motor restoration.
Of course i did change the oil!
Made by Vintagetable.